The usual summer holiday is 90 days long...I had only 62 including the day of today...Introducing as shortly as possible what I've been up:turned myself into a bitch,visited tons of cafes and shops that I believe I am gonna puke from so many girlish times and managed to forget all about school(not funny at all).
The moral:exams suck because after they're over you don't wanna learn anything and some way some how you wake up 62 days later being mentally inferior to a 5 year old...WTF!!!Who invented them was no genius.
And to contemplate my last day of so called freedom I am gonna do something not so intelligent as school,but far more intelligent than the 'stupidest' thing called summer holiday:I am gonna watch Roman Holiday and eat watermelon.
duminică, 16 septembrie 2012
sâmbătă, 8 septembrie 2012
Long time no see...(evil laughing on the background)
..I ain't talking about you but of how my beautiful,extremely old,from the 1900's computer is back into my hands...and as I was looking into my sites and e-mails I found this clip and I thought it to be so useful since school it's not THAT far away...Yeah...stepping away from a terrible girlish moment,I was checking in making sure things are not terribly down around here....And as I plan moving on the stupid rhetorical question what have you been up to this summer I wanted to share the stupidest discovery about me this morning:I cannot go on with my day if I can't brush my teeth and wash my face....Some need coffee,I need personal hygiene:))...*
*Editor's note:This is just a tormented soul who has been pushed away from society the last month.Please do not take this like a serious coming back post.Blogger Publishing will not make itself responsible for any mental disturbance that the article might cause.

duminică, 29 iulie 2012

As I was watching Sex and the city eating chocolate pudding,I couldn't help but wonder:what do people do on a hot,hot summer day when any other option like listening to music or read a book go soft?I mean I know that only the stupid ones get bored,but I wish there was some sort of guide that could tell you what do in such times of crisis....Something new,something fresh....something you've haven't done in years and you miss it....Like watching all over again from the beginning your fave cartoon.That's what I started doing:I started watching all the way from the start Life with Louie.And it felt great.
As summer went on and I went on camp(got back a week ago)....which btw felt beyond great.I can't even describe in words how well I felt.It woke me up and made me realize that I was a changed man,but doing the same old stuff.And I realized that's why I was in such big grief some time ago....And to show off the new me,I got this crazy idea(inspired from my childhood) of panting some stripes of my hair dark blue or dark green.
The conclusion until now('cause summer goes on and their still a lot to discover):that when your bored start doing the things you used to do as a kid....something fresh.And my other point was that if you realize that you changed(on the inside) then make some changes on the out side to.
Or not....
The song of the day:Cyndi Lauper-True Colors
luni, 9 iulie 2012
La "Belle epoque"

My golden age are the amazing teenage years.Those years when you oftenly fight with the persons we love just because we believe we had enough when we didn't have anything yet.That time when you realize you wished your childhood was here just because you understand that you ain't gonna get any younger...Those years when at some point we realize that we've fallen in love with the wrong person and that we cannot change a thing anymore about that....Those years when we believe ourselves to be the kings of the world,when everything is possible...Those years,those only years when we actually get a real chance to sit on the porch yard,on a summer day,deciding our future and not be cold childish,just teenagers....These are the only years when we get to feel everything at the highest,when every emotion,everything that we experience feels ten times worse or best than the real and that is pretty awesome...The teenage years are probably the best years of our lives,but how would I know that..I am not past these years and I couldn't wish I was because I love them so much that I don't even realize it.I love the fact that I can dream past the clouds and that I get the opportunity of being a grown up every once in a while....Ohh,and the best:the time when we can read as much as we want or watch as many movies as possible or listen to music all day long.The time when we can still discover great movies or amazing songs and say wouauhh:It's a genius movie/song...The teenage years are like residency in Medicine:both a grown up(every once in a while), both a kid(almost every time) plus some extra "16 years old" craziness and lots of amazing(actually no big deal) discoveries.
Cheer's to them...Cheer's to the golden age....and cheer's to my mum that inspired me...
The song de la Belle Epoque:Pink Martini-Je ne veux pas travailler
joi, 5 iulie 2012
Impatience grows every damn day

With camp coming in 11 days and the big expected high school being only 65 days away,I wake up every morning with the strange feeling I have on Christmas morning....It's such a grate sensation....Anyways,I wanted to share with you guys my ultimate obsession:yoga.I don't have words to describe it.It feels so awesome after some exercises,especially on an early morning when the weather is not crazy yet.It clears everything bad inside and you get the amazing feeling afterwards that you are just:free.Just try it and you'll see.This is the site where I founded the poses:
And moving on to next days agenda,I know I said last night that I saw Charade and I am not that sure that I made my point clear.It's a rocking movie!!!!!!It's mystery combined with crime and our very beloved Audrey Hepburn that cannot like like anything else than a Parisian lady.After wall,her "vetements" are provided by Givenchy...
And the song I wanted to share yesterday:May you never by John Marytn..So spiritual...Perfect for a quite summer evening on the porch yard....
Have a great summer!!!
miercuri, 4 iulie 2012
Celebrating America(neeeah...Tomorrow!!!!!)

Since there are only 1.41 hours till 4th of July is over....I wanna tell you just like that that I had the best fun today and tomorrow me and my girls are gonna celebrate America all together...Movies,sprite and bacon popcorn(just discovered it...marvelous!!!!).
And as for the other part of the typical American party,me and my mum are doing girls night in with pizza and games...lots of calories of course.You know... just this thing I wanted to tell you:all the summers until now I just lay in bed,stinking from head to toe....and this summer is like....strange since I don't even have time to lay down a bit...But I am lovin' every single minute of it...I feel fuller deep inside and you know for how long this year I've been searching for inner peace...God I am celebrating America every minute now.... just today....I have officially....only according to me(or not)....gotten to he high level of having the American spirit.
And for much celebration:the American song of today(though the singer is British):John Lennon-Stand by me(I sang it with my friend today in the middle of the mall out very loud).And I found another great amazing song but I have to remember know the twisted me....
duminică, 1 iulie 2012
A summer welcome letter...

Dear freedom,
I have dreamed the moment when I would be over with the exam and everything...Now that summer can begin peacefully since everybody is paying attention I have so many options to spare it...I could go swimming or read in the garden,I could go shopping with my friends or family or go to see a great summer movie...I could go to every cafe in my town and try everything they have to offer... For sure I am gonna do something to remember this summer...It's gonna be so One day like.
And though I know I should be more of a breath of fresh air for you guys the song I am listening it's pulling me down...I just want a summer of relaxation like a cruise on the Mediterranean in order to get ready for the new beginning I am to face....quite,friends and good books with Mojitos(They are great btw).
Stay in touch, U.K
vineri, 8 iunie 2012
Today I had the best summer day ever

Today I told my friends about the randomly pre-love meeting I just had yesterday.He was this amazing,smartie pants guy from British Council.It was just like in the movies.But I am not gonna bore you with this,I am just gonna tell u that today me and my girls gang had a lots of Sex and the City talks.And after today I really can say that I am totally ready for summer.I can't wait to go to cafes with them and have small talks about some boy or go to the pool or watch PLL or GG.Summer is everywhere I go and I just love it.You know how much I am in love with summer.
And now I am gonna let u get back to your business.Today,post love depression is gone.I am in love with somethin' way better.....
The song of today:One of us-Joan Osborne.
joi, 24 mai 2012
It happened on a heavy rain....
As I was sitting by the window last night,watching the rain,I got into a strange stage of really weird wishes and I discovered how much rain is nicer and more dramatic than snow.I love it.
1.One day,me and my "dude" are gonna stay to sleep in the car over night on a heavy summer rain.I love that cold while and after it rains,and I love it even more when I have a source of heat.
2.One night,me and my girls are gonna leave town on a heavy rain,to go to the seaside by train in the middle of the darkness.
3.One time,I am gonna go outside,by my own,well and nicely dressed,to read while raining.
The song of today:Tom Petty-It'll all work out.It's just perfect for the weather.
Love you yesterday,today and tomorrow.
luni, 21 mai 2012
Rocking on a certain song,on a certain season

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