My golden age are the amazing teenage years.Those years when you oftenly fight with the persons we love just because we believe we had enough when we didn't have anything yet.That time when you realize you wished your childhood was here just because you understand that you ain't gonna get any younger...Those years when at some point we realize that we've fallen in love with the wrong person and that we cannot change a thing anymore about that....Those years when we believe ourselves to be the kings of the world,when everything is possible...Those years,those only years when we actually get a real chance to sit on the porch yard,on a summer day,deciding our future and not be cold childish,just teenagers....These are the only years when we get to feel everything at the highest,when every emotion,everything that we experience feels ten times worse or best than the real and that is pretty awesome...The teenage years are probably the best years of our lives,but how would I know that..I am not past these years and I couldn't wish I was because I love them so much that I don't even realize it.I love the fact that I can dream past the clouds and that I get the opportunity of being a grown up every once in a while....Ohh,and the best:the time when we can read as much as we want or watch as many movies as possible or listen to music all day long.The time when we can still discover great movies or amazing songs and say wouauhh:It's a genius movie/song...The teenage years are like residency in Medicine:both a grown up(every once in a while), both a kid(almost every time) plus some extra "16 years old" craziness and lots of amazing(actually no big deal) discoveries.
Cheer's to them...Cheer's to the golden age....and cheer's to my mum that inspired me...
The song de la Belle Epoque:Pink Martini-Je ne veux pas travailler
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